The New Virtual World

mona lisa with face mask
Photo by cottonbro on

Well, haven’t things changed so much this year. It’s incredible how our lives have gone from living as social critters to sheltering from our fellow humans lest we get the plague.

It’s the same thing in the writing world. We are already solitary beings but enjoy those precious moments when we get to mingle with other authors at events. The Midwest Writers Workshop Agent Fest was canceled this spring and the summer workshop is in the stages of being converted to a virtual experience. Like MWW, International Thriller Writers and other organizations are scrambling to change their format this year as well, but what about next year? And the year after that? Have we been shoved into a new kind of reality where traveling, hotels, and face-to-face meetings will be the exception rather than the norm? How much will our world change after realizing how vulnerable we are?

This is a turning point in our history as we migrate to a virtual world. I imagine things will never quite be how they were before and one day they will talk about the great plague of 2020. What will your stories be? What changed in your life?

4 thoughts on “The New Virtual World

  1. This life we’re living is so bizarre! Uncharted territory for us. What are the right answers? What are the wrong answers? Could the next move I make turn fatal for me or any of those I love? What happens moving forward? IS there a moving forward? So many questions and so few answers. But, as always, time will reveal our futures.

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  2. I miss huggimy my parents. Worry I will give them coronavirus. Want this over while I still have time to share my hugs eith them…

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